How to Wash Jerseys ?

Views : 949
Update time : 2020-03-26 19:37:50

Sports jerseys are made with high quality materials and need to be washed in a specific way to prevent damage. Before you wash the jerseys, you'll need to treat any stains that are on them, especially if you use wear your jersey to play sports. Then separate your jerseys by color and turn them inside out. Wash your jerseys in a mix of warm and hot water, and then hang them to dry completely
Step  1:Use a mixture of vinegar and water to remove grass stains. Mix together 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water. If you're washing more than 2 very stained jerseys, use at least 1  c (240 mL) of vinegar. Then take a soft bristled toothbrush and dip it in the mixture. Gently brush the grass stains with the toothbrush. Then soak the stained areas for 1 or 2 hours in the mixture before washing.
Step 2:Remove blood stains with cold water. Turn the jersey inside out and run it under cold water to get rid of as much blood as possible. Then soak the jersey in cold water, gently rubbing the blood-stained areas with your fingers. Repeat every 4 to 5 minutes until the blood comes out completely
Step 3:Use soap or shampoo to remove stubborn blood stains. If the cold water alone doesn't get rid of the blood, try cleaning the stained area with dish soap or shampoo. Rub a bit of shampoo or soap into the blood stain. Then rinse and wash the jersey

Step 4 :Treat perspiration stains with vinegar. If the stain is green or yellow in color, it's from perspiration. Mix 1 US tbsp (15 mL) vinegar in 1⁄2  c (120 mL) water. Soak the stained part of the jersey in the mixture for 30 minutes and then wash it.